Don’t try to carry the weight of the world by yourself… Share it!

Don’t try to carry the weight of the world by yourself…

This reflection is for those of us, including myself; who sometimes think we can do everything by ourselves… and speaking of those of us, who have a sports challenge coming up, seems to me this reflection has a lot to do with the training process.

Even when the sport I practice is very lonely especially when it’s time for long distance swims, I have realized that theprocess, I mean, the preparation, daily training, gym days and the continuous hours of swimming to accomplish the training goals, become much more efficient when I share them with somebody else.

This does not mean that the other person is training for the same goal or challenge than the one I am training for, but the training process is very challenging and takes your body to a very hard  workout that require lots of effort, and it becomes important to do it efficiently and sharing it becomes a very effective tool.

I have learnt that when I share my training with somebody else, I demand more from myself and I train more efficiently… and then I understand that I cannot carry the weight of the world by myself but I can share it with somebody else and between two or more persons it can be accomplished and we become more efficient.

Having a sports event coming up is a very special way to get motivated every day to train efficiently but whenever we decide to share our training, the steps we take in such process become simpler and much more fun and when we realize it, we are on the starting point or dock ready to dive  or just ready to give the first step of the race … this is the moment we realize what we left behind is a process we were able to share in order to not carry the weight of the word by ourselves but to share it and we are ready!

Lots of success!
