How to have a healthy heart…

The first and most important thing to have a healthy heart…

A few months ago I was invited to the book presentation of “Exercise, diet and the heart”, from the Mexican Cardiology Clinics, the Mexican Cardiology Society and edited by “Editorial PyDesa”. I was very lucky to be invited to this event in which every cardiologist part of the event are considered eminences and have dedicated their entire life to the study of the vital and most important organ from the human being, the heart.

When I heard he speech given by Dr. Hermes Ilarraza guest editor of the book, I was surprised to see the simple way he explained how to maintain and keep our heart healthy… “The physical activity is a natural characteristic of the living and in the human being allows maintaining our body and heart functioning properly…” “… A balanced, low fat and sugar nutrition…” “… and a medical checkup twice a year…” Thanks Dr. Ilarraza for showing us in such a simple way what sometimes we think can be so complicated.

To keep our heart healthy we have to follow simple instructions, as Dr. Ilarraza clearly said, so let’s follow his recommendations.

They say that the heart has a double function in our body, besides pumping blood 24 hours each and every one of our days, it also pumps love… and in this case, there is an important difference … to pump love, the heart becomes a gentleman and only does it if the person is willing to love…

Allow your hart to pump love always, every moment of your life… in order to do so, exercise your heart… How? Do not accumulate or keep nasty feelings, forgive as fast as possible, be quick to use words that allow you to put a smile on your loved ones faces, exercise your kind and care feelings and allow them to manifest, and above all, love to the full extension of the word every day of your life…

Let your heart be healthy enough to keep you living for long years every day and let it be ready to pump love every day, every minute and every second!

